"Strength Training Anatomy: An Illustrated Guide to Muscles at Work" |
Frederic Delavier, Human Kinetics, France |
"The Sport Science of Elite Judo Athletes: A Review and Application for Training" |
Wayland J. Pulkkinen, Pulkinetics Inc., Guelph, 2001. |
"The Father of Judo: A Biography of Jigoro Kano" |
Brian N. Watson, Kodansha International, New York, 2000. |
"Judo: Training Methods - A Sourcebook" |
Takahiko Ishikawa and Donn Draeger, Charles E. Tuttle Company, Boston, 1999 (originally 1962). |
"The Sport of Judo as Practiced in Japan" |
Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Harold E. Sharp, Charles E. Tuttle Company, Tokyo, 1956. |
"Grips: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Neil Adams, Ippon Books, London, 1992. |
27-Jan-05 |
Kevin D'Sylva |
"Pick-ups: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Robert Van de Walle, Ippon Books, London, 1996. |
"Armlocks: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Neil Adams, Ippon Books, London, 1996,. |
12-Sep-04 |
Howard Cheung |
"Ashiwaza: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Nobuyuki Sato, Ippon Books, London, 1992. |
"Uchimata: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Hitoshi Sugai, Ippon Books, London, 1991. |
23-Jun-05 |
Lucy Au |
"Shimewaza: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki, Ippon Books, London, 1996. |
"The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu (Judo)" |
H. Irving Hancock and Katsukuma Higashi, Dover Publications, New York, 1961 (original in 1905), very old. |
"Best Judo" |
Isao Inokuma and Nobuyuki Sato, Kodansha International, New York, 1986. |
"Kodokan Judo" |
Jigoro Kano, Kodansha International, New York, 1994. |
05-Aug-04 |
Alex Shillinglaw |
"An Introduction to Kodokan Judo History and Philosophy" |
David Matsumoto, Hon-No-Tomosha, Tokyo, Japan, 1996. |
"Textbook of Judo" |
Nagayasu Ogasawara, Kokushi Dojo Inc., Montvale, N.J., 1988. |
"Seoi-nage: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Hidetoshi Nakanishi, Ippon Books, London, 1993. |
"Ashiwaza: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Nobuyuki Sato, Ippon Books, London, 1992. |
"Ashiwaza II: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Michael Swain, Ippon Books, London, 1994. |
"The Dragon Mask and Other Judo Stories in the Zen Tradition" |
Trevor Leggett, Ippon Books, London, 1994. |
"Judoka: The History of Judo in Canada" |
Glynn A. Leyshon, Judo Canada, 1998. |
"Comprehensive Welness for Firefighters" |
John Hayford, Jon Pearson, Wendi Royer, Van Nostrand Rienhold, 1995. |
"Judo for High Schools" |
Toyosaburo Fujiwara, edited by G. S. Uchida and G. L. Wilson , United States Judo Federation, 1970. |
"The New Toughness Training for Sports" |
James E. Loehr, Plume / Penguin, New York, 1995. |
"Tomoe-Nage: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki, Ippon Books, London, 1989. |
"Osaekomi: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki, Ippon Books, London, 1997. |
"Tai-Otoshi: Judo Masterclass Techniques" (2 copies) |
Neil Adams, Ippon Books, London, 1998. |
"Osoto-Gari: Judo Masterclass Techniques" |
Yasuhiro Yamashita, Ippon Books, London, 1997. |
"The Spirit of the Sensei - A Study of the Japanese Martial Arts" |
Andrew Bowerbank, Morris Marketing, Toronto, 1998 |
"Warm-up and Preparation for Athletes of all Sports" |
Z. Tenke and A. Higgins, Sports Book Publisher Toronto, 1996. |
02-Nov-03 |
Amy Au |
"Strength Training for Young Athletes" |
W. Kraemer and S. Fleck, Human Kinetics Publishers, 1993. |
02-Nov-03 |
Amy Au |
"Serious Strength Training" |
Tudor O. Bompa , M. DiPasquale and L. J. Cornacchia, second edition, Human Kinetics, 2003. |
"Periodization: Theory and Methodology of Training" |
Tudor O. Bompa, Human Kinetics, fourth edition, 1999. |
"Judo - Techniques and Tactics" |
Jimmy Pedro, Human Kinetics, 2001. |
"Mastering Judo" |
Masao Takahashi and Family, Human Kinetics, 2005. |
23-Apr-05 |
Alex Cimpeau |
"The 1991 World Judo Championships from Barcelona, Spain: Part 1: Road to Glory" (Video) |
Produced by the British Judo Association, Fighting Films, with commentary by Neil Adams and Chris Bowles. |
"Koga: A New Wind" (Video) |
Produced by Fighting Films, London, UK. |
09-Jun-05 |
Stephane Hamade |
"101 Judo Ippons" (Video) |
Fighting Films, Commentary by Neil Adams and Ray Stevens |
14-Sep-03 |
Kevin D'Sylva |
"Ewan Beaton: Technical Judo Video No. 1" (Video) |
Produced by Ewan Beaton and Judo Saskatchewan. |
"Judo Promotional Video" (Video) |
Produced by Judo Ontario |
"Judoka" (Video) |
Produced by National Film Board of Canada. Story of Doug Rogers training in Japan. |
"Kodokan Judo: Ju-no-Kata" (Video) |
Produced by the Kodokan Institute |
"Kodokan Judo: Goshin-Jutsu" (Video) |
Produced by the Kodokan Institute |
"Kodokan Judo: Nage-no-Kata" (Video) |
Produced by the Kodokan Institute |
"Kodokan Judo: Kime-no-Kata" (Video) |
Produced by the Kodokan Institute |
"Kodokan Judo: Nage Waza" (Video) |
Produced by the Kodokan Institute. Scarborough Dojo has only 1 copy. |
10-Feb-02 |
Lucy Au |
"Kodokan Judo: Katame Waza" (Video) |
Produced by the Kodokan Institute. |
"Kodokan Judo with Master Technician Kyuzo Mifuni" (Video) |
by Masterline Video Productions Inc. |
"Ukemi Ball - Basic Falling Techniques" (Video) |
Gold Medal Productions |